Built on AR and the Web3 technology, Billboard NFT gets your message across anywhere in the world.
AR Connects You Directly With Potential Customers, NFT Billboards Convert Your Attention Into Money.
Get more attention or sell your property to the masses.
Connect with more people and integrate seamlessly into the web 3.0 world.
Expand the reach of your message with AR technology and blockchain.
Reach an audience where others can't.
The freedom to be in the office and still advertise at eye level.
Our platform design that fuses classic means of communication with the power of Blockchain to give your visualizations tangible and interactive value to market, sell and acquire products or services.
Connect with more people and integrate seamlessly into the web 3.0 world
AR technology combined with the power of blockchain gives you NFT Billboards
Get your messages across and earn you cryptocurrency.
NFT Billboards introduce us to a new type of advertising and is changing the way we view tasks in everyday society. NFT's support exchange with content, data transmission and displaying augmented contextualized communication through our senses (AR).
Discover the project developped by KaviAR
Prepare to buy a customizable 3d billboard under form of NFT. Enter the Discord and try to talk with the community. Prepare communication operations, choose your exhibition areas, make full-scale tests with our application
Let's write the DAO together, Billboard NFT is done with you for you, for we. The first 1500 people to enter the discord are part of the Whitelist and will vote on all subjects (governance, funds, allocation, marketing, management, charity...)
Mint, if you are whitelisted, you will be able to own your panel with great benefits, sharing your area preview exhibition, participation in international events, meeting with brands of which you will become an ambassador. the first one sale will be 5000 panels it's panels will be large changeable size by you.
Connection of your metamask wallet to the billboard application
allowing you to display your panel anywhere in the world and share its
visualization with the community but also on social networks
View my NFT Panel in AR. Share my visualization.
Place my NFT Panel somewhere geolocated
· Invite my friends to see it (sharing on networks)
· Leave a comment
· Chat in real time with other users on my NFT panel
. Put my NFT panel in the metaverse to promote a product or
sell my house.
ICO, we will launch a corner on launchpad to monetize your nft and to generate passive income, all NFT billboard owners will see themselves offer the same coin value as the purchase value of their panel at the time sales. The ecosystem will therefore already be fed and autonomous. A new sale of 20,000 NFT will be performed at this time at the ground value but with no associated corner.
Opening of display space for sale. You can rent your space display on your panel for short or long periods directly to brands or lend it to associations or simply make it your emblems. The more experiences you share on the networks, the more you will be at the top of the list that we will communicate to the brands. The brands will deal directly with you there are no intermediaries everything will be in your contract. If you have already have an audience, you will multiply your earnings, if you don't have an audience you can rent your billboard to those who have it. the NFT billboard is the communication medium of the future. Community's choice of the first NFT billboard compatible metaverse
Crosschain "enter metaverse" team will render your nft billboard compatible with all metaverse
Creation of a geolocated posting community exchange. you throw your brand, your project you can ask the community to support your project by providing panels, the community wishes support a cause it can donate funds collected by the brands or simply offer a giant poster campaign to the cause.
KAVIAR TECH is a startup specialized in proposing innovative solutions intended to mobilize augmented reality technology to create value for users. The company targets B To B to C markets and aims to participate in the massive dissemination of the use of augmented reality technology. KAVIAR TECH adopts a unique positioning with the desire to carry a permanent innovation approach within its projects. The company adopts a dual mode of operation with on the one hand a laboratory activity and on the other hand an agency activity which is based on the development of augmented reality applications accessible to all. Use will come before technology, which will fade away. Augmented reality is now a great way to implement a web 3.0 toolbox to integrate into the metaverse. And above all put technology at the service of man and not the other way around.
Meet our Kaviar Tech. All of them are wonderful people, who work tirelessly and are 100% invested in our customers !